Why another system builder?

rsdk is yet another evolution of Radxa's system builder. The primary goal is to move away from debos for following reasons:

  1. (Previously) Lack of ARM64 support.
  2. We use pagefile to workaround dkms build failure, which requires KVM to be available.
  3. Go templates leave much to be desired.
  4. Provided actions are becoming limiting to achieve our desired result.

Beyond those, our system has grown into 100+ repositories, interconnected by various CI/CD workflows. From an operational standpoint we also need a tool to centrally manage them, with the added bonus that customers can use the very same tool to reproduce our setup for their own use.

Finally, we want to have a short answer to the commonly asked question "where can I download the SDK for X". So far, our answer has always been a brief explanation of the system design, because of its complexity. We want to have something that matches customer's expectation more closely, where there is only a single entry to all related Radxa source code.

Thus, rsdk is born.